Milton Hide are husband and wife, Jim and Josie Tipler, from Wilmington in East Sussex, UK. They perform their own songs and compositions on guitar, cajon, clarinet and the very occasional banjo and xylophone thrown in for good measure. Subjects include polite, political rants, egg banjos, murder, whale riding, weddings, death and mid life crisis.
Encompassing contemporary folk, a touch of blues and cajun, some pop and a smattering of klezmer, their unique music is influenced by the local landscape, landmarks, characters and family.
Above is the latest Milton Hide music video release, Littlefield. The story of a house that remained empty for a long while. It’s the first release of their forthcoming album, Temperature’s Rising which is due for release early 2021
You can also watch Milton Hide perform live on the ELSTOAF broadcast on 28th Dec.