During Covid-19 lockdown we were hearing from women that they were becoming increasingly isolated, anxious and lonely. We know that people are reporting increased mental health problems and so we wanted to do something that would give purpose and focus whilst helping to improve women’s health and wellbeing. Women in Lockdown: stories by and about women during Covid-19 was born. Over 100 stories have been submitted totalling over 300 pages.
We want to publish, in high quality materials, the Women in Lockdown stories so every contributor can have their own free copy to keep for future generations and historians.
About WayfinderWoman
As a volunteer led registered charity, we help women find better lives by building their self-confidence and skill sets. They can then challenge any barriers that prevent them from volunteering, finding a job, getting promotion or running a business.
We do this through free or low cost grant funded workshops, training, coaching, seminars, conferences and on-line support. We also work with organisations to help them be the best they can be in creating an environment where women can thrive. We can provide tailored support to them and their workforce.
Our goal is to deliver more support to women and, in East Sussex, to open a 5-days a week female friendly drop-in centre in Eastbourne (the ‘hub’) where women can get individual advice and support from trained empathic staff and volunteers.
Our goal is to run regular surgeries at the hub on topics women have requested – all delivered in a way that acknowledges the issues women are facing and supports their emotional needs.
Our goal is to set up a network of women and organisations who can support us with this work.
For ELSTOAF we’re going to tell a story – the story of how the Women in Lockdown project started – Once upon a time… Bill will show us one of the hats and how they were made, we’ll read out a couple of the shorter stories and then talk about turning them into a book.
Watch the video live on the ELSTOAF live broadcast on 28th Dec. A small selection of the various story telling formats from women during COVID-19 lockdown 2020.